About us


The only motto of HPC is to deliver the finest quality products in a wide product range produced in an ethical environment.


Hallmark Pharma Care intends to be the most consistent and reliable organization in the health care industry walking hand in hand with the ethical, innovative and trustworthy spirit of the company always running in the structure of the organization.


Hallmark Pharma Care (HPC) was built to work as a caregiver to society through its products and improve the lifestyle of humanity.

Welcome to Hallmark Pharma Care

As it is rightly said that life is beautiful so live it to the fullest and care for it through the toughest. Hallmark Pharma Care (HPC) was built to work as a caregiver to society through its products and improve the lifestyle of humanity. Situated in Valsad it was conceptualized in the year 2020 with a vision to work for the humankind and provide the utmost services to its customers without any compromise on value. So, welcome to Hallmark Pharma Care LLP your one-stop solution to all your health requirements.

Research & Development

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.
Why choose us

Global Presence

The customer circle of HPC is increasing day by day. Looking at the goodwill that it is creating in the market sky is the limit for HPC we can proudly say.

The premium quality products manufactured at HPC are normally exported to the below countries:

  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • South Africa
  • The United States of America
  • Saudi Arabia and many more countries.

See how we work with touch of experience

Our Approaches

HPC’s primary policy is to wholly understand each individual customer’s requirements and respect the confidentiality of the information provided thereby keeping it properly in compliance with the regulations of The Protection of the Personal Information Act.

HPC aims at developing and updating the Privacy management system in its organization from time to time.

Hallmark Pharma Care abides by the social responsibility of always delivering superlative services and products to the world and believes in providing excellent life to mankind.

It follows the international canons and keeps customer satisfaction the main priority thereby enabling efficient business relations with its clients.